
Staying true to a genteel aesthetic

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I would like to say thank you to the LCF Planning Commission for its unanimous decision to restrict the number and size of signs to be installed by the Sprouts Farmers Market (“Store faces sign glitch,” Valley Sun, Oct. 13).

I am very pleased that Commissioner Michael Cahill stayed true to a more genteel city aesthetic, and did not approve an exemption that would have allowed the store to install even more, bigger and brighter signs. It is refreshing to know that the commission understands that just because the city has allowed ugly signage to be installed in the past, we do not have to continue the practice.

I have spent many years designing signs for themed entertainment environments (as well as the local “Drive with Care” signs). Well-designed signs can deliver their messages while enhancing the environment, rather than becoming eyesores. To do that, attention must be paid to appropriateness of scale, materials and lighting. I just wanted to applaud the Planning Commission for keeping that in mind while weighing the benefits of these signs to the community vs. the benefit to the retailer.

Anne Tryba

La Cañada Flintridge
