
Retribution, resolution and integrity

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Kids of La Cañada must be growing awfully cynical these days. You think their problem is with a teacher who allegedly referred to a student in a bigoted way, but no. The bigger issue is with their role models.

Consider this: Their parents are too timid to come forward and take a stand, presumably for fear of retribution. Instead, they opted to throw Cindy Wilcox into the ring while they remained in the spectator seats. I suppose this is not the spirit which is exhibited daily by other Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Their school principal has not demonstrated commitment to a speedy resolution. Neither did the principal go out on a limb to personally assure, in public, no retributions.

Their teachers, known for their hard-nosed fight for monetary gains and work benefits, have not demanded justice to restore their reputation and their integrity. Just how much faith do our kids have in their integrity? See retribution, above.

The teachers union? Ah, never mind. No one expects much of them, anyway.

The LCUSD board? These honorable folks have been MIA in the last five months. Yes, we understand — summer vacation, collective bargaining agreement, the dog ate my homework, blah, blah, blah.

Imagine little Johnny being accused of the same. These adults would spring into action and sort it out at a breathtaking speed. You know, school is about values, citizenry and integrity, not just a grade factory. That is, of course, only if you are a student, not an adult.

Avi Zirler

La Cañada Flintridge
