
Not such a little thing

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I love living in La Cañada. It’s the little things that make the difference here, like the way the mailman or the librarian greet you when you meet. Or the pride our residents take in their homes and gardens. There’s a friendliness in the waves you get on your morning constitutional. Little things.

But lately there is one little thing that has the potential to become a big thing, and to negatively affect the quality of life here in LCF. Valley Sun columnist Anita Brenner gave a name to this dark cloud hanging over the foothills. She called it “the Leko issue.”

In case you have been on a world cruise these past few months, the Leko issue involves a math teacher at the high school who has been accused of making racist comments to some of her students. The incidents were mentioned in this newspaper and the Los Angeles Times. According to Brenner, the school board has taken no decisive action because of the collective bargaining process. Meanwhile parents are at a loss as to the potentially toxic situation in this teacher’s classroom.

I think a rapid response is called for in this case. If it gets tangled up in further bureaucratic delay, the clouds of doubt will hang heavy over our parents and pupils. And remember, little things often mean a lot.

Jack Bierman

La Cañada Flintridge
