
The free market and the mail

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Is it any wonder that the U.S. Postal Service is bankrupt? On any typical day at the La Cañada Flintridge facility one will find one or two clerks immersed in transactions with people who could have easily prepared all their paperwork at home before tying up a clerk.

At the Post Office you will often find two clerks studiously avoiding looking up to observe the 12-14 people in line, refusing to ring the bell behind them that could summon clerks from the rear to help out by filling in the three other empty unmanned stations.

The Post Office is broke because they won’t give up the government culture in which they have been raised.

The days of a multi-billion-dollar-deficit Post Office culture are coming to a close. It is time to privatize the Post Office by selling the service to FedEx or UPS or some other responsible private entity that can provide customers with the service the public demands and deserves.

Isn’t it time for the free market when it comes to Postal Service?

Al Restivo

La Cañada Flintridge
