
Be grateful for places like Lupe’s

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Last week an article in the Valley Sun entitled “Neighborhood on the lookout for local crime” included the following quote: “We have a problem with the Lupe’s (Place) crowd, and the customers there with the litter and the loitering and the drinking and the drugs.”

Ouch! Tom and I and our two Labs can be seen “loitering” out front of Lupe’s every Saturday morning with the other La Cañada regulars. As for litter, you know Labs, they eat anything that touches the ground.

Lupe’s Place, like other family-owned and operated restaurants in La Cañada, should have our loyalty and business. As residents of La Cañada for more than 30 years, what would we do without Los Gringos? Min’s? Berge’s? Taco Deli?

Lupe’s Place! What a wonderful community asset, model family and great food. Next time you drive by, honk and give Lupe and her husband a little wave so they know how much we appreciate who they are and what they do for La Cañada.

Meredith Reynolds

La Cañada Flintridge
