
Guest Column: Taking a peek inside the city’s projects

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As a continuation of my Feb. 2 guest column, there are a few additional projects going on in the city that I would like to update you on:

Annual Street Resurfacing Project: Last month, the City Council awarded a contract for more than $1 million dollars for the city’s annual street resurfacing program. A total of 18 street segments (more than 5.2 miles) of roadway will be resurfaced. They include portions of the following streets: Castle Road, Descanso Drive, Richmond Road, Beresford Way, Commonwealth Avenue, Robin Hill Road, Hampstead Road, Flintridge Avenue, Dover Road, Cambridge Road, Highland Drive, Starland Drive, Sugar Loaf Drive, Domal Lane, Inverness Drive, Bramley Way and Palmerstone Drive. It is anticipated that construction will commence later this month and will be completed in about 10 weeks.

Jessen Street Bridge: At the city’s request, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works recently conducted an inspection and determined that the Jessen Drive bridge is in need of replacement. The replacement costs, estimated at $1.1 million, qualify for federal funding under the Highway Bridge Replacement Program. The program will fund more than 88% of the costs, with the city funding the remainder. The existing timber/steel trestle bridge will be replaced by a precast reinforced concrete girder bridge and will provide two lanes of traffic, wider shoulders and sidewalks.

The city recently held a community meeting with the area’s residents to discuss traffic circulation plans during closure of the bridge. Construction is tentatively scheduled to start in March and will take six months to complete.

Sprouts Project: The new Sprouts store is taking shape. The city has been working with the developer for almost two years to ensure a quality development for our downtown area. The project has undergone extensive reviews by the City Council, Planning Commission and Design Commission. When complete, Sprouts will be a beautiful craftsman-style building with open windows and trellises. A new parking lot will provide 87 parking places (nine more than city code requires). Sprouts will also widen the driveway on Beulah, enlarge the parking stalls, provide better lighting, widen the alley and move it away from the south side of the building, and other needed public improvements, all resulting in improved safety and better traffic circulation for the community. The careful attention paid to this project by the city and the cooperation of the developer will enhance the look of Foothill Boulevard and will make Sprouts a welcome addition to our business corridor.

Showcase House: The Pasadena Showcase House is an all-volunteer non-profit corporation that provides grants to programs and organizations that nurture the study and appreciation of music. Its main fundraising effort is the annual “Showcase House” featuring the restoration and refurbishment of a carefully selected home, and features the works of local artisans and designers. The 2012 Showcase House will be held in La Cañada Flintridge. Not only will this program raise money for a good cause, it will provide an economic boost for our local merchants. Renovations on the house will continue through April 14. The event will be open to the public April 15 - May 13.

City staff has been working closely with Showcase organizers to ensure that impacts to the neighborhood are minimized. During construction, the city will require that all construction-related vehicles be parked on-site. During the event, street parking will be prohibited and visitors will use shuttle services to and from the house. More information about the program is available at

These are just a few of the exciting projects that the city is working on. Should you have any questions, please call City Hall at (818) 790-8880. Your input is greatly appreciated.

DAVID SPENCE is mayor of La Cañada Flintridge. Email him at
