
Piece of Mind: One Valley Sun edition shrinks, another grows

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To provide readers with a heftier dose of La Cañada-specific news on Sundays — a transformation that will go live on April 1, no fooling — we’ve been doing some shape-shifting with the Thursday paper. If you’re a regular reader, you’ve no doubt noticed that we’ve gone on a bit of a paper diet in recent weeks so that we can achieve a richer Sunday edition.

This recent tightening of the Thursday paper’s editorial space has been interesting, to put it politely, for those of us trying to figure out how to shoehorn in everything. Regular features have been moved around and/or trimmed entirely as we’ve tried to adjust to the different page count. Perhaps it has also been confusing to you (“What’s happening to the Valley Sun?” was in the subject line of a recent email I received), but I believe that once you see the more localized Sunday edition you’ll understand the reasoning behind our tinkering.

It should be noted that the improved Sunday paper will be delivered to those La Cañada Flintridge residents who subscribe to the Sunday Los Angeles Times, into which it will be folded, just as the Sunday Valley Sun has been since last summer. It will also be available in the news racks around town (and on our front porch at 727 Foothill Blvd.).

Oh, and let me address an impression one might get from an advertisement that’s running in our paper today. We will continue to publish a La Cañada Valley Sun every Thursday. So the tradition that started in the late 1940s is still alive. We’re not becoming a Sunday paper only. We will have two editions each week.

Here’s a quick reference guide to where you’ll find your favorite local columnists, beginning April 1:

Jane Napier Neely’s popular society column, “The Valley Line,” will run every Sunday, instead of on Thursdays. The column she prepared for this week’s Thursday print edition will be posted online only, at

The pearls of wisdom provided each week by Joe Puglia (“Thoughts from Dr. Joe”), will be running in the Valley Sun on alternate Sundays. He’s already filed the one that will appear April 1, and here’s a sneak preview: He’s written about a La Cañada woman’s late father who achieved distinction during World War II.

Rotating every other Sunday with Dr. Joe will be Anita Brenner, with her “Around Town” column. Anita has prepared a column for this week that is going online, but not in print. The subject was timely enough that we didn’t want to hold it until April 8, when her next print column will be run.

We have three wonderful columnists whose works will be moving from print to online only: Loa Blasucci (“All Health’s Breaking Loose”), Nancy Turney (“Senior Living Q & A”) and Gene Pepper ( “Take Five”). Loa and Gene write every other week; Nancy, who works at the local YMCA, writes weekly. Nancy’s column this week covers the topic of how to keep involved and interested in life after retirement. Gene has filed a piece this week that delves into financial planning as gleaned from two La Cañada experts in the field. Be sure to check out their latest offerings at our website. Again, that address is

My column will continue to appear on Thursdays, and it looks like its home will be on Page 3 instead of Page 2, going forward.

So, there you have it, all the news that’s fit to be printed (twice a week!) or read online (daily!). We’ve got you covered.

CAROL CORMACI is the managing editor. She can be reached at carol.cormaci@
