
Speaker glues them to their seats

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Upon first hearing that Alan Jackson would be speaking at Flintridge Preparatory School, the students were a bit skeptical. We have had our share of monotonous speakers that we feel waste two hours of our lives while the adults next to us are riveted by them.

We were shocked when a charismatic, enthusiastic man took the stage and started talking about a murder case.

We were glued to our seats for the full two hours, enthralled by the presentation. Not only did he manage to keep a room full of 400 teenagers engaged, he gave us a look into the world of forensic science. His presentation was on the Phil Spector case and how he had used forensic science to prove that Spector was guilty of second-degree murder. As he went through the evidence, he painted the same picture to the students that he had for the court.

He was able to show us how victim Lana Clarkson was incapable of committing suicide. Therefore, this made Phil Spector, the only other person in the house, the murderer.

This case exemplifies justice at its finest and let us as students into a world that we had not entered before — real life. It was a wake-up call to all the students that bad people do exist — not just in the movies, but also in real life. It also showed that there are people who defend justice and order such as Alan Jackson. He exemplifies everything that differentiates the good prosecutors from the great ones — charisma, an ability to look at cases in different ways and love for the job.

It is clear from the time he has invested and the amount of work that he puts into the cases that he loves being a prosecutor. He has perfected his trade and become the best in Los Angles.

I cannot think of a better man for district attorney and hope sincerely that he wins the election.

Freya Strasburg

Los Angeles
