
Merger shouldn’t even be considered

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I am writing to say I feel it is absolutely unconscionable that proposals of merging or selling Verdugo Hills Hospital are even being considered.

I have lived in the area very close to the hospital since 1957 and watched the hospital being built. This community waited for more than 50 years to have a hospital to call its own.

Verdugo Hills Hospital is why many people buy homes in this area.

Verdugo Hills is known for clinical excellence and quality service to patients. We have a gem of a hospital that we can depend on to be there of all our community. Also, since the hospital is doing well, it makes no sense to merge or sell. I also wonder if the hospital’s chief executive, Leonard LaBella, has the legal right to make such drastic proposals without consulting leaders of this area who worked so hard over the years to bring this hospital to fruition.

It would be interesting to investigate that aspect.

The community is owed a full explanation for the reasons behind these proposals. In fact, I would strongly suggest that LaBella hold an open meeting for members of this community, along with their doctors, to hear this explanation.

Perhaps LaBella needs to know the feelings of this community before taking such giant steps.

Benla Bennett

