
In Theory response has it wrong

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The “In Theory” question on April 8: “Do the bunnies mask Easter’s message?”

Answer: Not as much as those who call themselves “reverend,” and after 2,000 years of Christianity, whose foundational tenants rest upon the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God — would have the audacity to think that they, themselves, are somebody who can now “gently correct the assessment of Easter’s central meaning,” as well as that of all Christendom.

If it weren’t that it was so blasphemous to Christianity, the response by the Rev. Amy Pringle would actually be funny. Funny that such a person would insert themselves into something called a “church” — when anyone who knows the message of God, knows that such repudiation of the gospel truth that Jesus paying the penalty for our sin, rightly called “substitutionary atonement,” would know that such a place is anything but a church.

At least Pringle understands the concept of why Jesus died and rose again, even if she does reject it. Someone who dies in my place sounds like one who loves me more than anyone ever has.

Helen Ostroff

Shadow Hills
