
Do the right thing with regard to trees

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Reading about the city’s last go around on the tree ordinances, I was saddened that the city council is proposing to protect only three species of trees, or any tree with a three-foot diameter. I was under the assumption that as the elected stewards of the city, it was the council members’ obligation to preserve the beauty in our city.

Does that mean you can cut down that beautiful multi-trunk coral tree in front of Palm Crest Elementary School, or the fabulous Albizzia in the same location? Why are we so liberal about what we are, a Tree City USA?

We have wonderful California pepper trees, old, historical olive trees and gigantic redwoods. Removing a tree should be a case-by-case undertaking. If a citizen complains, the matter should be researched and then a determination made.

The reason people love La Cañada Flintridge is not the schools, but the mountains, the trees and the homes. There should not be a list, but the requirement of every person to verify with the city prior to the notion of tree removal.

It isn’t enough that we allowed two 7-Elevens in this community? Now we have to contend with a few people that feel their rights are taken away from them, and so we become acquiescent. I’m asking that the city council please do the right thing for our community.

Larry Moss

La Cañada Flintridge
