
It’s unsafe to expand school

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One issue not yet adequately addressed by the city or Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy is whether we can safely add another 100 students and visitors to the daily body of the school and do so without creating an unacceptable evacuation risk. Protect LCF has reviewed documents provided by the city that indicate the academy cannot meet basic water pressure and flow requirements, and the Valley Water Company estimates it will cost more than $2 million to install the proper equipment.

Every homeowner in this area is required to install significant fire safety measures while building or remodeling. In my case, our remodeling project was held up for 10 weeks while the city determined water pressure requirements and other safeguards. We did everything the city asked us to, as any responsible homeowner, neighbor and citizen would.

As neighbors and taxpayers, Protect LCF has made public records acts requests of the city and fire department to determine the nature of the waiver being requested. It appears the city and school may be contemplating lowering the bar and fire safety standards for the school and our neighborhood. An institution whose mission is the care, development and welfare of young souls cannot be relieved of installing fire safety measures in a community known around the world for record-breaking fires.

We are also certain that the city and related fire safety officials cannot lower the fire safety standards for the school, and meet their statutory obligations and duties as public officials and regulators. For the city or a public body of any kind to do this would be an abdication of civic and moral responsibility.

Elaine Davis
La Cañada Flintridge
