
Worried about too many waste trucks

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Last Wednesday morning I noted a different waste-hauling truck headed up Redwillow Lane. What was different were the letters NASA (with an upside-down first A) emblazoned on the side. Normally trucks reach the top of Redwillow, turn around in the cul-de-sac, and head back down cab forward. Not this time. The new truck on the block actually backed down Redwillow with its back-up warning beeps blaring.

Today we all got an ad in a local newspaper confirming that indeed NASA Services is now providing waste and recycling services to La Cañada Flintridge. After confirming with the LCF Public Works Department that indeed we have three waste haulers to choose from, I called NASA Services in Montebello to get a quote. Sadly, the only person who could quote me a comparative rate — Jack — was not in the office, and I was asked to call back when he was in. Oh, well, so much for free enterprise.

I am frankly worried about having nine waste-hauling trucks coming up and down Redwillow Lane every Wednesday. I have also seen trucks from the current second-place company who don’t have to stop at every residence head down my street at a rate of speed that would test the braking system of any big rig. My own street notwithstanding, I’m trying to get my head around seeing nine waste-hauling trucks go past Paradise Canyon Elementary school on two-way, traffic-challenged Knight Way.

I think it’s time for our elected city officials to take another look at free enterprise as it relates to waste and recycling services.

Don Gross
La Cañada Flintridge
