
Valley Forge trip was a delight

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Most people in our community are familiar with the opportunity provided for the La Cañada Unified School District fifth-graders to go on the Valley Forge/Freedoms Foundation trip. Each year, approximately 250 students from La Cañada, Paradise Canyon and Palm Crest elementary schools attend this major field trip to the East Coast.

After 26 years as an administrator in our schools, I added this experience to my list and joined the La Cañada Elementary team with their 85 students and 11 parent chaperons. Without hesitation, I need to report the good news. This trip was impressive. I was proud to be on board. Our students were courteous, attentive and well behaved. They were involved in the learning experience and demonstrated their range of comprehension when responding to and asking questions of the docents and guides. And, they had fun — they sang songs on the bus!

When they stood up together in Independence Hall in Philadelphia and recited the memorized Preamble to the Constitution, the 85 voices spoke as one and moved every adult in the room. Congratulations to the teachers who planned, prepared and supervised these students and to the families who sent their stellar citizens on this adventure.

Michael Leininger
La Cañada Flintridge

Editor’s note: The writer is assistant superintendent of the La Cañada Unified School District.
