
Letter: Opposed to the parcel tax invasion

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Am I reading what I think I’m reading? Another parcel tax increase ($450) to fund the schools?

I’m sick and tired of hearing that this tax increase is needed to maintain the high property values of homes in the La Cañada school district. Enough with this lie. At this rate, property taxes will surpass property value increases and will, one day, lead to a decline in values because who is going to buy a home burdened with insane taxes?

It will place an undue burden on fixed-income folks who will be forced to sell just to satisfy the insatiable appetites of the greedy unions. If anyone employed in the LCUSD feels they are underpaid, show them the door. I’m sure there is a standing line of more appreciative teachers hoping to get into one of these posh teaching positions in the La Cañada system. How many of these teachers/administrators live in La Cañada? I’ll guess most don’t, so they don’t care if property taxes are raised.

Why are only property owners burdened with the task of funding the schools? Renters, businesses and, yes, even teachers bring their kids into the system free of this burden. If you want to raise revenue, then charge everyone equally. Either that, or allow only property owners to vote on whether or not they want their taxes raised. I live in the Sagebrush area. I was, earlier, a very strong proponent for incorporating the Sagebrush into the La Cañada school system. I am now in favor of keeping the status quo because I do not wish to become a victim of the parcel tax invasion.

Bob Tanabe
La Cañada Flintridge
