
Letter: Teachers’ role in election is important

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Now that the election has come and gone, it is important to me that I write to you regarding the rhetoric used in several social media sites as community members discussed the involvement of teachers in the political process.

First, I want to share with you that we elected a group of teachers to interview all eight of the candidates. Using the same questions, we engaged in a discussion with each candidate. At the end of our interviews, we chose to endorse three candidates whom we believed would work hard for our students. You see, that is what we truly care about, our students.

The candidates we chose to endorse do not owe us anything, as many community members surmised. But I do believe the candidates who won the election owe the entire school community their time and dedication. In order to be the best possible teachers, it is critical that we engage in these conversations that help to improve our profession.

Did you know that your teachers are working with the district to change our evaluation system so that it will be on the cutting edge? Did you know that teachers gave up salary increases from 2005-11 so that we could manage the fiscal crisis? Did you know that teachers have the option to join our union?

We join the union because we want to be a part of the positive changes that make our schools the best. We are a supportive, caring, loving and dedicated union.

Mandy Redfern
The writer is president of the La Cañada Teachers Assn.
