
Letter: Congratulations to new LCUSD members

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I want to congratulate Dan Jefferies, Kaitzer Puglia and David Sagal on their election to the LCUSD Governing Board.

Our community is fortunate to have had the opportunity to choose from a number of outstanding candidates. Through the election, I was fortunate to have gotten to know all the candidates better.

I can say with confidence that the talent, dedication, professionalism, and experience of Dan, Kaitzer and David will positively impact the capabilities of the board and the district.

Each brings unique skills and expertise that will combine with existing board talent to meet the challenges facing our school district. Our community is blessed to have so many who give of their time and talent for the common good, and we are particularly fortunate to have the generosity of spirit, energy, and commitment that our new board members offer.

It has been my privilege to have had the opportunity to contribute to our district’s success and I’m very pleased to know that our students and families will benefit from the future contributions of our newly elected Governing Board members. Congratulations — and thanks — to Dan, Kaitzer and David.

Joel Peterson
Member, LCUSD Governing Board
