
Letter: Property tax passage is a scheme

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Not meaning to take a position for or against the parcel tax, but to explain how the LCUSD Governing Board gets the parcel tax passed: As an analogy, and also not a position on ObamaCare, the same tactics were used to keep ObamaCare.

Congress would not defund ObamaCare because Congress is exempt from ObamaCare. Members of Congress, and their staffs, are given an exemption and have most of their medical insurance premiums subsidized by the rest of us. The same concept applies to the parcel tax.

Those who are property taxpayers and over the age of 65 can file to be exempt from paying the parcel tax. Anyone over 65 gets to vote for the parcel tax, but can exempt themselves from paying it. All of those who are under age 65 have to live by the decisions of those that voted for the tax. Maybe only those that have to pay the tax should be allowed to vote for or against it.

Each property usually has more than one voter. So, unless there is one voter per property, the ballot box is stuffed with two or more votes per property. Would not it be fair to have one vote per property?

If you are a Democrat you have to love this scheme. It is not about choice or about one vote per property, but how to stack the vote to win the issue. How are those union jobs and benefits going to be paid if voting were fair? After all; the unions are not about “fair.” Their union members are forced to join.

William Watts
La Cañada Flintridge
The writer is treasurer of the Patriot PAC. He is not the local real estate professional with the same name.
