
Letter: Beauty project can be seen on YouTube

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I am a freshman at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. Recently, our creative freshman class religion teacher issued us a challenge based on our learning of the concept that God is revealed in beauty.

Our task was to create beauty. As this is a pretty open-ended project, we were left to interpret this. What did we come up with? To spread beauty and kindness throughout the school, one girl at a time in what we call Project Pay it Forward.

We wrote kind letters to each girl in the whole school (all 385 of them), reminding them that they are beautiful. We left blank post-it notes throughout the school for the students to leave friendly notes to each other.

We filmed the reactions of students upon opening their letters and included them in a video we posted to YouTube. Check it out at

So far, we’ve had a 100% turnout. We’ve noticed that the girls are more cheerful and happy, especially in such a stressful time as we are nearing finals week. As you can tell by the comments on YouTube, our school has appreciated the tenacity and effort of our class in successfully creating beauty.

We would appreciate it very much if you could help us spread the love so it catches on with other schools, businesses and communities.

Hannah M. Scott
La Cañada Flintridge
