
Letter: Support local stores this Saturday

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Our community is filled with wonderful, small, locally owned stores. It’s the charm of shopping along Foothill Boulevard. It’s the charm that helps make La Cañada Flintridge the community it is.

It’s easy to shop online or save a few bucks by going to a big-box store, but if dollars are not invested back into our town the stores will disappear, with all of this small-town charm leaving right behind them. American Express realized this fear and four years ago began Shop Small Saturday.

Shop Small Saturday comes a day after images of shoppers lining up for Black Friday bargains at big-box stores. This national campaign is slated for Nov. 30. The campaign is in its fourth year. The program was designed to boost support for small businesses, which make up a significant portion of our communities throughout the United States.

Information about Shop Small Saturday is available at com/us/small-business/Shop-Small/.

Local consumers are encouraged to “Add to the Buzz” and tweet about a specific local business. Resources for businesses are available at the above website including free tote bags and welcome mats. There are qualifications for Shop Small Saturday including small, locally owned, non-chain stores.

The Business Support and Development Committee (BSDC) of La Cañada Flintridge is offering a work sheet on how to maximize the tools available for Shop Small Saturday. The BSDC is a committee of the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce.

Please contact me at caroline@carolinecraven. com or (818) 585-5660 for more information.

Caroline Craven
La Cañada Flintridge
