
St. Bede’s Italian Catholic Federation branch installs members

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Members of the Board of Directors of the Italian Catholic Federation branch at St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church were installed at the annual ICF Los Angeles Archdiocese District Council Installation Luncheon on Jan. 19.

The event was held at Casa Italiana at St. Peter Church in Los Angeles.

Locals installed were Al Restivo, branch president and first vice president of the district; Mark Mannarelli, first vice president; Maria DeSalguera, second vice president; Fiora Marcucci Murphy, financial secretary; Joseph Vinci, treasurer; Nancy Lieggi-Ammirato, sentinel; trustees Masmiliano Leonida Bastone and Rae Ann Mertz, and alternate trustee, Jack Kojimoto. Also serving on the board this year are Mary Wynton, recording secretary and Mary Liss, corresponding secretary.

-- Carol Cormaci,
