
Letter: Parcel tax exemption is bribery

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In reading the Mailbag section in last week’s Valley Sun it appears that I am not the only person who thinks bribing certain favored voters to vote yes for the parcel tax is voter fraud and illegal. Why not just stuff the ballot box? (Come to think of it; there will be no ballot box. The voter fraud possibility is enhanced since mail-in ballots will be used). A property owner 65 years or older is exempt from paying the $450 tax. The 65 years and older people can vote to raise everyone else’s taxes while being exempt from having to pay the tax. Only those that are forced to pay the tax should be allowed to vote for or against the tax in a fair and nonpartisan election.

Vote “no” on the parcel tax. Defeating this measure will be the first step in taking our public schools back from the oppressive government wasters based in Sacramento.

William Watts
La Cañada Flintridge

Editor’s Note: The writer is treasurer, PATRIOT PAC. He is not the local real estate professional who has the same name.
