
Letter: Another way to view senior exemption

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Recent letters to the editor opposing the upcoming Measure LC parcel tax criticize the feature that allows seniors who vote “yes” for the parcel tax to file exemptions from paying the tax. The argument is that in our democracy you should not be voting for a tax that you will not be paying and further assumes that most seniors will opt out of paying the tax.

A more positive way to consider La Cañada Unified’s offer of an exemption for seniors is that persons over 65 who are living on limited retirement incomes will have the opportunity to continue their support of our outstanding public school system (where their children and perhaps grandchildren likely attended) without adversely affecting their lifestyles. Their “yes” votes will enhance the desirability of our community, increase the values of their homes and protect our school district from disastrous funding cuts over the next seven years.

My wife and I are retired seniors who will not opt out of paying the tax. We have many senior friends who will also pay the parcel tax. We have paid the present parcel tax for five years and supported the La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation as well. It is a great investment! We are proud of our school district, the education it has given to our children and its impressive high standing in the state.

We hope that fellow seniors who share our pride in La Cañada schools and our special community will join us in mailing their ballots with “yes” votes.

Robert H. Craven
La Cañada Flintridge
