
Letter: Forced to adopt federal standards

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The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were thrust upon California public schools without parental consent. Why? This is because the federal government wants to have a uniform system of education for which millions was given to states for implementation. The purpose is to make students college and career ready — concepts that remain to be defined. The curriculum will have every child read the same books, and learn at the same rate. Concerns arise due to the fact that CCSS was never tested before the mass implementation across the country. Opponents say CCSS will not fix the broken educational system, federal government should not control state education, and that it is academically substandard. Additionally, states will have a difficult time paying the cost of implementing and maintaining CCSS.

Neither LCUSD nor parents can stop CCSS locally. This is a matter for our state and federal representatives to end. Refer to, and for more info.

Denise Soto
La Cañada Flintridge
