
Letter: Parcel tax measures up to LCF standards

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It has been a privilege to serve our community as a member of the school board for 12 years. During this time, the state’s chaotic and unreliable funding for education created immense challenges for La Cañada schools.

Faced with cuts exceeding $17 million over the past five years, our district has been running at a deficit. To do their part, teachers and staff gave up cost-of-living increases and absorbed higher health-related costs. In addition, we were forced to deplete our reserves including deferred maintenance to keep the impact of funding cuts away from the classroom.

Recently, the state approved a new funding formula that results in our school district being one of the lowest funded (on a per student basis) K-12 districts in California. Since California currently ranks 48th or 49th nationally in funding K-12 schools, La Cañada’s funding from government sources is among the lowest in the country.

Measure LC will provide sustainable local funding and control to overcome Sacramento’s failings. The proceeds will be used primarily to address the district’s structural deficit spending, thereby preventing significant cuts to the core of our educational program, such as small class sizes, arts and AP programs.

I am proud that we have been able to strengthen our exceptional educational program despite massive funding cuts. Continued success depends on stabilizing local school funding that would be outside of Sacramento’s reach. Please vote yes on Measure LC to protect the community’s investment in its schools.

Scott Tracy
La Cañada Flintridge
