
Letter: Measure LC is packed with benefits

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We moved to La Cañada Flintridge so that our children could benefit from an outstanding education in a close and supportive community. Over the years, however, we’ve become increasingly concerned as we’ve watched the state cut millions from our neighborhood schools. Sacramento has proven unreliable in funding the education of our students, and it is only through the admirable efforts of our community that our schools have remained strong.

Proposition 30 and this year’s state budget will help prevent more cuts, but the funds our schools have already lost won’t be restored. The critical efforts of the La Cañada Educational Foundation have already been maximized. And soon, with recent changes to the state’s funding formula, the per-pupil funding that LCUSD receives will be among the lowest in the state.

We are part of a community with schools at its heart. We are voting for Measure LC so that La Cañada’s children will continue to receive an education that exceeds the high standards we set for ourselves and La Cañada will continue to be viewed as a hometown for families committed to their children’s futures.

The Measure LC funds will help keep class sizes down, allow for continued investment in our technology resources and support our excellent teachers as they build the new state-mandated academic standards into the curriculum.

Join us and many La Cañada parents, committed residents and local elected and community leaders. Vote yes on LC!

Eric and Shelby Grey
La Cañada Flintridge
