
Letter: Public schools don’t affect property value

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In a recent letter Robert Craven let the readers know how generous he is. His basic point is that paying a parcel tax will “…increase the value of our homes…” He seems to think that our government schools increase the value of our homes in La Cañada Flintridge. This is the same story I have heard from the day I arrived here in 1978 — that LCF has good government schools. LCF does have above average government schools, but that is not the reason LCF is so great. It is great in spite of the government schools that are no longer our schools.

It is because of location (as your local real estate agent will tell you). It is because of the private schools; the likes of Saint Francis, Flintridge Prep, and Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, and others, which are better than our government schoolsthat have been taken over by Democrats and their union buddies in Sacramento. The private schools have higher standards.

The community is great because the LCF community is composed of single-family residences, wealthy estates, and JPL employees living in LCF. There is no industrial activity. LCF is a community of doctors, lawyers and scientists. It is 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles, and when the traffic is right one can drive there in 20 minutes. This is what makes LCF great and not the schools that have been taken over by the government and wastes our tax dollars. LCF is uniquely special, but not because of the government schools but because of who can afford to live here.

I took a look at my property tax bill and I pay just under 9% of my taxes for the schools which are the highest single item on the bill. I say enough is enough. Vote “no” on the parcel tax.

William Watts
La Cañada Flintridge

Editor’s Note: The writer is treasurer of the PATRIOT PAC. He is not the local real estate professional with the same name.
