
Busy schedule planned for local Presbyterian church

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La Cañada Presbyterian Church has chosen “Let’s Journey Together to Jerusalem” as its theme for Holy Week and has a slate of offerings beginning with Palm Sunday this weekend. All events are open to the community.

On Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Gary Dennis will speak on “The Praise Before the Storm” at the 7:55, 9:25 and 11 a.m. worship services. Also on Sunday, a time of prayer and meditation will be offered at 9:30 a.m. in the Cook Prayer Chapel. At 2 p.m. the Chancel Choir and Orchestra will present “Absolute Heaven,” a concert showcasing French romantic composers from the late 19th century.

Companions for the Journey will have a special “Visitors’ Evening” on Tuesday, April 15, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Cook Prayer Chapel.

Lectio Divina in Community, a meditation on Jesus’ Last Supper, will be offered on Thursday, April 17, at 9 a.m. in the Cook Prayer Chapel. Also on April 17, there will be a Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.

The crucifixion drama “Were You There?” will be presented Friday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. It will feature LCPC’s Drama Ministry and Praise Band. On Saturday, April 19, “Living in the In-Between Times,” a time of prayer and meditation for Holy Saturday, will be offered from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Cook Prayer Chapel.

Easter Sunday, April 20, will be greeted at 6:30 a.m. with a Sunrise Service at Hahamongna Park. Three identical worship services will then be presented in the sanctuary at 7:55, 9:25 and 11 a.m. Dennis will preach on “The So-What of the Resurrection,” using a story about the resurrected Jesus from Luke 24:36-49. During the 9:25 worship hour, there is a family-friendly overflow area in the church’s Fellowship Hall where families are invited to bring young children and snacks and beverages are available.

La Cañada Presbyterian Church is located at 626 Foothill Blvd. For further information, visit or call the church office at (818) 790-6708.

-- Carol Cormaci,

Follow on Twitter: @CarolCormaci.


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