
BCR celebrates 50th anniversary

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BCR “a place to grow” recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, says Executive Director Lonna Dunson, with members, friends and supporters at a dinner held in February at its facility at 230 E. Amherst Drive.

The nonprofit organization that provides programs for people with developmental disabilities began in 1963. It started with four preschoolers and today has grown to 108 children and adults, ages 9 to 75 years. It continues to provide a well-rounded program that helps clients built self-confidence and become independent members of the community, securing jobs and joining charity organizations like the Aktion Club, a branch of the Kiwanis Club.

Susan Widman, BCR board chair, conducted the meeting and Dunson presented the program and video journey of the past 50 years of growth and achievements of BCR.

On behalf of Rep. Adam Schiff, district representative Teresa Lamb Simpson presented a certificate of congratulations, along with those received from Burbank Mayor Dave Golonski and Gov. Jerry Brown.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
