
On the Town: Pop-up casino bets on dental charity

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Hundreds of supporters of the Kids’ Community Dental Clinic, bedecked in all manner of tropical island garb, dined and tangled with lady luck at the pop-up casino that took over the plaza of Media Studios North this past Saturday evening.

As the steel drum music and activity at the poker tables heated up, Councilman Bob Frutos stood to the side overlooking the fundraising festivities billed as the Eight Annual Casino Paradise.

“I’m very proud to have played a small role in helping this clinic through a difficult time,” said Frutos, who served as a board member of the nonprofit organization back during a period when they were experiencing funding challenges and an organizational transition. “People don’t know this but, when Dale Gorman came on as the executive director, we had no money to keep the program going and she agreed to work without any pay. It is because of her, and Dr. Richard Marias, and many other very dedicated people and supporters that the clinic has survived and become a success.”

Originally established by the Sisters of Providence at St. Joseph Medical Center to fill a crucial need in oral healthcare services for low-income working families in the 1960s, the children’s dental clinic closed in 1997. That void, which caused difficulties for many local families in need, resulted in the 2002 formation of the new clinic that treats children in and around Burbank.

“Tonight we want to thank all of the dentists, hygienists, office staff and volunteers who put in over 8,600 hours of service to the clinic this past year,” said Dr. Marias who serves as the president of the clinic’s advisory committee as he addressed Saturday’s assemblage. “Because of the work of so many dedicated professionals, and the support of all of you who are here tonight, we were able to serve 14,000 kids at 88 different area locations.”

Last week’s event, chaired by Renee Johnson, was made possible by the clinic’s board of directors composed of Thomas Kissinger, Thomas Engman, Rene Benavides, David Escobar, Patrick Flynn, Janice Lowers, Silvia Mancini, Ross Necessary, Bradley Recker, Elise Stearns-Niesen, Daniel Sanchez and Peter Shimizu.

The Kids’ Community Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing quality dental care and preventive education for the children and teens up to the age of 18 of low-income families. The clinic is always in need of finiancial support and volunteer assistance of dentists, dental spec cists, registered dental assistants, and dental hygienists.

Other volunteer opportunities include office and administrative work, helping out at health fairs and school screenings, maintaining the clinic’s facility, fundraising and marketing. If you have a special skill and would like to be involved with this vital program, call (818) 841-8010 or visit


DAVID LAURELL may be reached by email at or (818) 563-1007.
