
On the Society: Hospital guild installs new officers

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For the first time in the 70-year history of the La Providencia Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the organization’s officers have reelected a president to serve back-to-back terms.

Lynn White-Shelby, the woman who served as the 2016-17 president, will also lead the guild through its septuagenarian year.

A former five-term president of the local chapter of the American Business Women’s Assn., White-Shelby has served in leadership roles with the local Boys & Girls Club, Roosevelt Elementary School, the Burbank Senior Citizens Board and, in 2015, was honored by U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff as Burbank’s 2015 Congressional District Woman of the Year.

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White-Shelby, along with the group’s 2017-18 officers, were officially instated at the guild’s recent annual reorganization meeting and luncheon held at the Oakmont Country Club in Glendale.

This annual event, which also honors those who served during the previous year, was made possible by chairwoman Joan Chandler and her committee members — DeeDee Rowlands, Donna Sagona Salant, Mary Jo Hjelmstrom, Lorelei Kelley, Nancy Johnson, Ann O’Donnell-Gardner, Glenda Jones and Vicki Margolin.

Along with White-Shelby, the organization’s 2017-18 officers will include Jones as first vice president and Judy Pierce as the second vice president. Rounding out the executive roles will be Rowlands, who will serve as secretary, Nancy Wiggins as the group’s treasurer, and Sue Meckley, who will handle the guild’s public relations.

Among the special guests in attendance at the ceremony and luncheon were Bonnie McClure and Suzanne Lapis, who, respectively, serve as the chairwoman and director of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ Associates and Affiliates.

Along with the business of reorganizing officers, the annual meeting also gives the newly installed president the opportunity to lay out her goals for the coming year.

Maintaining the theme of her first term, “Light the Lives of Children,” White-Shelby, who presides over the guild that currently has 133 members, said she intends to continue the active recruitment of members, retain current membership, increase the guild’s presence in the community with continued presentations about Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to service clubs and other organizations, and to increase the organization’s outreach efforts.

White-Shelby said that her priorities will also include building upon the guild’s established partnership with the Burbank Temporary Aid Center by providing attire for its clients who are preparing for job interviews and with the Burbank Noon Kiwanians in their service project called Hope in the Valley.

The guild will also focus on its toy drive, where gift cards are purchased and new toys and books that have been donated to the group’s thrift shop are taken to children at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The guild will also continue its commitment to provide treat baskets for the hospital’s emergency room staff.

The entire 2017-18 leadership will also be diligently working on plans to celebrate the group’s 70th anniversary on July 30.

Chartered by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 1947, the La Providencia Guild’s mission is to foster interest in the work of the pediatric medical facility with contributions of service and funds.

For more information about the guild’s work, its upcoming fundraising events or to become a member, visit


DAVID LAURELL may be reached by email at or (818) 563-1007.
