
On the Town: Disney lends a hand to Burbank Temporary Aid Center for a new van

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Since 2004, Barbara Howell has served as the chief executive of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center, or BTAC, which provides the local poor, working poor and homeless with basic services and needs including food, utility and transportation assistance, emergency short-term shelter and medical assistance.

Howell, who is seemingly known by Burbankers from every sector of the community, is a passionate advocate for the nonprofit organization she heads and the clients it serves.

If there is one thing she is not known for, however, it is to ever be at a loss for words.

That changed this past Thursday evening when the agency staged a fundraiser dinner at Lakeside Golf Club.

Presented as an elegant evening of “Jazz by the Lake,” to garner funds for a new van, Howell looked up with curious wonderment just before dinner was served as a surprise announcement was made that Kevin Callahan, vice president of corporate citizenship at the Walt Disney Co., wished to say a few words.

“The Walt Disney Co. and BTAC have been partners in assisting so many people during a time of need,” said Callahan as he was surrounded by his team of Karen Kawanami, Jamie Keyser Thomas, Joan McCarthy and Linda Noel.

“We’re very proud of that partnership, and the way our VoluntEARS at Disney Corporate Citizenship have personally embraced the work of BTAC,” Callahan said.

“To further that work, it is with great pride that we would like to present Barbara with a check for $30,000 toward the purchase of a new van,” he added.

Joining the Disney contingent to accept their donation, Howell uncharacteristically stammered. “I’m not usually left speechless,” she said, laughing. “But, at the moment, I just don’t know what to say except to express our gratitude to everyone at the Walt Disney Co. for making this dream of getting a much-needed van come true, for their longtime support and their friendship.”

A highlight of the evening, which was hosted by Nancy Korb, BTAC board president, was a performance by jazz artist Jason Lee Bruns and the Burbank High School Woodwind Quintet, made up of oboist Sam Almer, flutist Gwi Park, and clarinetists Catherine Trujillo, Corine Chung and Shushan Lazaryev under the direction of Justin Klotzle, director of the Burbank High Instrumental Music Assn.

Among those who enjoyed the evening were BTAC board members including Dee Call, Michael Walbrecht, Kimberley Clark and Maddy Horne, Burbank school board members Roberta Reynolds, Char Tabet and Steve Frintner, and Brad and Courtney Korb of the Brad Korb Real Estate Group.

DAVID LAURELL may be reached by email at or (818) 563-1007.
