
Hospital guild’s $93,000 gift benefits outpatient center

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The Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild has made great strides this year raising funds for the hospital.

Members looked on proudly as Julie McArdle, guild president, presented a check for $93,000 to hospital executives during the guild’s annual installation tea at Lakeside Golf Club.

The money was raised at the guild’s fundraisers, which included two card parties, an annual fashion show and the “Gift Gallery” in the hospital’s lobby .

Receiving the check were Kelly Linden, chief executive of the medical center; Glenn Bales, chief financial officer; and Elizabeth LaBorde, executive director of the Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation.

This money will go toward the guild’s $500,000 pledge to the Cusumano Family Outpatient Center in the Neuroscience Center of the hospital.

Other medical center officials attending were Gertie McDevitt, chief operating officer/vice president of operations for Providence Foundations Southern California; and Agnes Susilo, foundation analyst for Providence Foundations Southern California.

Also attending from the medical center’s administration office was Liz Cochran, chief operating officer.

Special guests joining in the celebration were Barbara Charles, retail manager of the Gift Gallery, Sister Sheila Browne, director of mission leadership; and Mark McArdle, the president’s husband.

Julie McArdle is taking on another year as president and said she is eagerly awaiting the return of Gift Gallery to its original location.

Looking for a special gift for someone in the hospital? Stop in and stroll around. Items are beautiful and unique.

As the guild begins a new year, it also has a new pledge of $500,000 to the campaign for the hospital’s new emergency room and urgent care facility.

Members said they are looking forward to getting together for lunch and then taking in a show at Glendale Centre Theatre.

The organization’s fall event is still in the planning stages but a card party is scheduled for Oct. 18 at Lakeside Golf Club.

Also serving on the board this year are Patricia Heaton, first vice president, Patt Scully, second vice president, Patricia Cimo, recording secretary, Sharon Reid, treasurer, Patricia Cassidy, corresponding secretary, Rhoberta Kerr, fall event director, Kathleen Marsden, spring event director, Donna Mahoney, special event director, Maureen Walsh, press chair, and Grace Mylroie Patz, parliamentarian.

Joining the guild as a provisional member is Nancy McArdle, the president’s sister-in-law.

Organization puts a little magic into fundraising

Officials at BCR “a place to grow,” a nonprofit center for children and adults with developmental disabilities, came up with a unique fundraiser this spring.

They invited four award-winning magicians to perform in their building — each in a different area of the facility.

Friends, family and community members came out to support the first “Magic BCR Castle” fundraiser. The packed audiences were amazed and, during two intermissions, they dined on delicacies such as shrimp and chicken provided by Trader Joe’s.

The funds raised will go toward a new transportation project that will allow the center to increase the level of its community integration for clients by broadening the opportunities for off-site activities and volunteer projects.

Independent Living Skills classmates reunited

Former students of Erin Bush-Berich’s independent-living skills class at Burroughs High School were invited, with their families, to attend the second annual reunion of the students.

Light refreshments were provided, and guests were able to mingle, take advantage of fun props for photos and see adisplay of more than 600 pictures taken during class activities dating back as far as 2001.

Bush-Berich hosted the event to provide an opportunity for socialization for former students and to offer opportunities for connecting families to each other and potential services in the community.

Her class at Burroughs is for students with moderate to severe disabilities, and it focuses on independent living and vocational skills.

For more information about future reunions, email

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
