
Book Castle-Movie World closes after 51 years

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It’s the final chapter for the last used bookstore in downtown Burbank.

After 51 years as a refuge for those who love the printed page, Book Castle-Movie World at 212 N. San Fernando Blvd. will close Monday.

While many mom-and-pop stores went by the wayside when big box and online retailers began to dominate book sales in the 1990s, the Burbank business, owned by Steve Edrington and his nephew Mitchell Brick, survived.

However, Brick, 59, said his uncle decided in February to retire and shutter the weathered store next to the Marinello Schools of Beauty, which has also closed.

“It’s been pretty hectic,” Brick said on Thursday. “A lot of people here in Burbank are not happy that we’re leaving.”

Inventory is discounted 50%, but Brick said printed material that doesn’t sell over the weekend will be given away for free on Monday.

Book Castle-Movie World is jarring for the uninitiated. Heaps of books and magazines are stacked around the store. Every shelf is packed.

When asked about how many books are in stock, Brick answered: “Too many.”

Brick and Edrington rarely said no to a used book or magazine in readable condition.

On first glance, the store appears a cluttered mess, but closer inspection reveals alphabetized organization by author.

Brick combs through each section at least three times a day to make sure materials are in their right place.

Book Castle-Movie World offers just about every genre: crime and thriller novels, sci-fi books, autobiographies and war titles, to name a few.

However, entertainment industry books, specifically technical publications on filming and editing, are the store’s claim to fame. There are also stacks of movie posters behind the front counter.

Sherman Oaks resident Kim McCall first came to the bookstore in 1995 after she moved from Seattle to pursue a career in the movie industry.

She bought titles on cinematography and lighting.

“Those books taught me some skills back then,” McCall said. “We weren’t really on the internet back then to look things up.”

After hearing the store was closing, McCall made a final visit.

“Everyone now likes to read on their Nook, and I do that too, but sometimes it’s just nice to read a real book,” she said. “I’m going to miss the uniqueness of this store.”

Brian Page, a Phoenix resident, frequented the store for about 20 years when visiting his father in Burbank.

Page was in Los Angeles to see a show, but specifically made time during his trip to visit Book Castle-Movie World.

“You can smell and touch the books,” Page said. “You can feel the history on them.”

Twitter: @acocarpio
