
Burbank Unified is spending more than its bringing in, but school officials are ‘hopeful’

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Burbank school officials are spending more money than they’re bringing in, according to the school district’s first interim budget report that officials discussed earlier this month.

The report shows that from July 1 — which is the start of fiscal year — through the end of October, Burbank Unified reported making $149 million in revenue, but spending about $163 million.

Part of the discrepancy is tied to raises issued to district employees during the 2015-16 school year, said Lina Sola, a budget and finance supervisor for Burbank Unified.

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The deficit spending is expected to decrease during the next school year, when Burbank school officials expect to receive about $150 million in revenue and spend $153 million.

“We sat here a few years ago and it wasn’t so hopeful,” said school board member Roberta Reynolds of the budget. “So, all I feel is gratitude that at least it’s hopeful, and we have a chance at smoothing it out.”

School officials will also brace themselves for future budget considerations, including upgrading the district’s computer software and wireless internet, and potentially bolstering its special education program with more staff.

Plans for more employees in that department will likely come to the table next year after school officials create a new master plan for the special-education program.

The district’s general fund contribution to the special education program has grown substantially over the last decade.

About a dozen years ago, when Larry Applebaum, board president, was first elected, he recalled the district taking about $5 million out of its General Fund to cover special-education costs.

Now, about $15 million of General Fund dollars help cover those costs.

The school board is expected to review its first draft of the district’s master plan in April.

A public meeting will be held on Jan. 17 when residents can learn more about how officials make spending decisions and track progress on various academic or financial goals, according to Burbank Unified Supt. Matt Hill.

“This is important — to have our community engaged in how we’re spending our dollars,” Hill said.

The meeting on the school district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan will be held at 6 p.m. at the school district’s headquarters, 1900 West Olive Avenue.


Kelly Corrigan,

Twitter: @kellymcorrigan
