
More than 100 graduate from Providence High School

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More than 100 students graduated from Providence High School Saturday in the Hall of Liberty at Forest Lawn.

In a message the school’s principal wrote to graduating students in the ceremony’s program, she encouraged them to continue to serve others.

“Remember that each of you is capable of changing the world,” Allison Castro wrote. “The mission of the Sisters of Providence is to serve the poor and vulnerable through compassionate service. Remember to be people of Providence in all that you do in the future.”

The graduates will attend several universities in other states, such as the University of Alabama, and locally, including Cal State Northridge.

The school’s core values are respect, compassion, justice, excellence and stewardship.

“These values, as well as the spiritual development you received at Providence, will lead you through a successful and meaningful life,” wrote Joe Sciuto, head of the school, in the program.

Twitter: @kellymcorrigan
