
Burbank holds Memorial Day ceremony

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Starting with a “flyover” from the Condor Squadron and the “Armed Forces Medley” performed by a Burbank community band, the annual Memorial Day ceremony was held Monday in front of the McCambridge Park War Memorial.

Local dignitaries including Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), state Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge), and Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) spoke, as did members of the Burbank Veterans Committee.

Mickey DePalo, chair of the veterans committee, welcomed guests and acknowledged both the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers and their families and the service of the veterans in attendance. He singled out the late Dr. Jerry A. Jones — a veteran and community member who served in many posts throughout his life — who died in January. He also talked about Jimmy Weldon, a World War II veteran in attendance who helped liberate the Buchenwald concentration camp.

Gabel-Luddy reiterated the event’s theme of gratitude, saying of the fallen, “If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have this city or this country, the greatest nation on Earth.”

Schiff talked about his recent experience visiting troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying he was “struck by how much these young people had their whole lives ahead of them, but also how many of those young people’s lives were cut short,” he said. “We have paid a dear price that comes with being a global leader.”

Portantino acknowledged the 103,000 Americans wounded during the Korean War and the more than 7,000 still unaccounted for. He also paid his respects to the roughly 1.5 million Americans who have died serving in the armed forces throughout history.

Friedman said she is always moved by the Memorial Day event. “Every year, when I come to Memorial Day celebrations… and I hear the reading of the names, that’s the part that’s most profound to me because each name is a person who meant everything to their family,” she said.

The Crescenta Valley High School Air Force Junior ROTC conducted the traditional “Presentation of Colors,” followed by the national anthem sung by John Burroughs High School student Coen Sosa.

David Christ, a member of the Burbank Veterans Committee, led an invocation followed by “Presentation of Old Glory” by Weldon.

The names of the fallen soldiers who hailed from Burbank were read in chronological order, according to the war during which they gave their lives fighting. After each name was read, a Boy Scout or family member of the fallen laid a rose on the war memorial plaque. A number of songs including “God Bless America,” “Tears in Heaven,” and “Amazing Grace” were sung by Pat Walmisley, Bobbi and Brice Cranston, and Anajette McFarlin, respectively.

Perry Fein is a contributing writer for Times Community News.
