
Burbank photo contestants capture memories and first place

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Seeing your child having fun in a public swimming pool or on a swing on a hot summer day may not seem extraordinary to many people.

However, for Burbank residents Tanya Girmay and Violet Martinez, being able to capture their children in priceless photos means the world to them.

They are the winners of this year’s Burbank Parks and Recreation Photo Contest, which is in its third year.

During July, residents could submit photos they have taken of themselves or others having fun at one of the city’s recreation centers or parks.

Girmay won the Staff’s Pick Award for a photo of her 5-year-old son, Maddex, whom she captured sliding down a water slide at the Verdugo Aquatic Facility.

Taking a photo of her son enjoying himself at the pool was significant for Girmay, who said it was the first time she had seen him have fun in any body of water.

“It’s the first year that he’s enjoyed the activity pool because he’s learned how to swim and he’s a lot more comfortable in water,” Girmay said. “For me, it was a great moment, and everybody that’s seen the photo says, ‘That’s a framer.’”

Now that her son is less hesitant to jump in the water, Girmay said she can start to relax a bit, knowing that her child can handle himself better in a pool or ocean.

For Martinez, who won the People’s Choice Award, getting as many photos as possible of her first daughter is a top priority for her.

Her winning photo was one of many shots she has taken of 17-month-old Stella, who had a big toothy grin while on the swings at Valley Park.

Even though she was six months pregnant with her second daughter, Martinez said she’s taking every opportunity to take lots of photos of Stella.

“She’s the first one, and she’s really easy to photograph because she’s smiling all the time, so there’s extra photos of her all over the place,” she said.

The mother-daughter duo spend a lot of their time visiting Burbank’s many parks, which Martinez said is still a good place to cool down on a hot day.

She said she likes Parks and Recreation’s photo contest not because it’s a place for her and others to show off their skills but because it promotes the city’s parks and facilities.

“Kids nowadays want to be stuck inside with their iPad,” Martinez said. “So it’s good to have contests like this to remind other parents that there are other things out there where the kids can go and play.”

Twitter: @acocarpio
