
Burbank to consider relocation assistance for renters

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Burbank renters who might be in danger of losing their homes could receive help from the city through a proposed relocation-assistance ordinance.

The City Council unanimously voted during a meeting on Tuesday to direct staff to draft the ordinance, which would be similar to what Pasadena offers its residents.

Burbank’s proposed ordinance would require landlords to pay low-income tenants who are in good standing a relocation allowance if the tenant is required to vacate their unit due to demolition or if the unit is red-tagged.

Other proposed requirements include that the ordinance only apply to multifamily units and that household income not exceed 140% of the Burbank-area median income.

Maribel Leyland, Burbank’s housing authority manager, said the city currently has a municipal code that provides relocation assistance to tenants if their unit is being converted into a condominium.

It requires landlords to give at least a 180-day notice of the conversion project and provide $2,500 per unit to ousted residents. Households with disabled tenants may receive an additional $2,500.

In addition, landlords must give affected tenants the exclusive right to purchase one of the condo units when they are completed.

Leyland cautioned the City Council on moving forward with a relocation-assistance ordinance because there may be unintended consequences.

She said there might be fewer available affordable units because landlords might be hesitant to rent to low-income households and instead seek out higher-income renters, which could increase the price of units.

Additionally, landlords might pass on the relocation-assistance cost to other tenants, which could result in higher rents.

Twitter: @acocarpio
