
105-year-old Burbank resident likes to live day by day

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Burbank resident Frances Richardson doesn’t like to waste her time thinking about the little things in life, such as watching what she eats or where she’s going to go next.

Richardson, who turned 105 years old on Friday, likes to take things moment by moment and enjoy each day as it comes.

“Living in the country, playing outside and having plenty of fresh air and sunshine, I guess that’s why I’ve lived so long,” she said.

Employees at the Evergreen Retirement Residence, where Richardson has lived the last five years, brought out a cake for the centenarian to celebrate her birthday.

When asked about her favorite birthday, Richardson said she enjoyed her 100th birthday month, when she and her entire family flew out to her native Kentucky and celebrated at the Churchill Downs Racetrack — the famous thoroughbred track where the Kentucky Derby is held.

“They had my picture on the scoreboard,” Richardson said.

Even at 105 years old, Richardson still gets presents and cards from loved ones, including her youngest son, Kenneth Coomes, 76, who stopped by on Friday to give her flowers, a butterfly-shaped balloon and some sweets.

Coomes, who lives in Lake Forest in Orange County, said he’s still amazed his mother has lived so long. He added he’s convinced she will probably outlive him.

“Some people at her age are not in good health and have problems, but she just does really wonderfully,” Coomes said.

Twitter: @acocarpio
