
Mailbag: Trouble with tree trimmers and a great experience at Burbank High

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Burbank tree trimmers do a hack job

What were they thinking? City tree trimmers hacked a once-lovely tree in front of my home to pieces, leaving a tall stub and mangled branches. Does any skill or thought go into the maintenance of our city trees? This type of indiscriminate trimming or “topping” stresses trees and puts them at risk for disease and decay. Even I know this.

While the other trees on the street are sprouting new green growth this spring, this mess sticks out like an ugly sore thumb. Come on Burbank, you’re better than this!

John Lynch


Seniors tag along with seniors

Earlier this month we had the privilege of participating in the Senior for a Day program at Burbank High School. We got to meet a very bright group of high school seniors and go to several classes with them, which allowed us also to meet their very dedicated, hard-working teachers, some of their fellow students, and some of the administrative staff. It was a fun morning.

After attending classes, we all met at Joslyn Adult Center for some lunch, much more discussion about school and current issues (both today and way back when), and a grand tour of Joslyn, The high school seniors got to learn a little about the wide variety of activities available to older adults in Burbank. It was an inspiring day all around.

It was heartening to find out that there are plenty of smart people of all ages at our local high schools. Thanks to the Leader for its coverage of this great event.

Cynthia Leva and Fred Barker
