
Letter: Burbank Coordinating Council, 83, plans a birthday luncheon

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The Burbank Coordinating Council is turning 83. Come help us celebrate at a luncheon meeting, planned for noon on Monday, March 7 at Little White Chapel, 1711 N. Avon St.

Awards will be presented for the highest sponsors for our successful 2015 Holiday Basket Program, and our special speaker for the day will be Councilman Will Rogers to talk about Burbank and how it is growing.

Cost is only $10 for the luncheon. Please RSVP to Doris at (818) 842-8381 or (818) 216-9377.

Coins for Campers bottles, to collect donations to help send children to camp, are available. Call us if you’d like one. Campership Coffee is also available to help send kids to camp. Visit and order yours today. It is only $15 and can be delivered to your home within a day.

But most importantly, come and help us celebrate our history of helping Burbank for 83 years!

Janet Diel

