
Letter: Burroughs High recreates Broadway

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So nice to see in the Sept. 16 Burbank Leader that “Guys and Dolls” at Glendale Centre Theatre was publicized (front page, no less, complete with color photo!). Now let’s hope more local productions also get into our paper. After all, we are the entertainment capital of the world, aren’t we? Where stars are born!

I’d like to call your attention to the fabulous show that the award-winning John Burroughs High School Vocal Music Assn. has been producing for several years now — and it almost never gets newspaper coverage (except for the full-color large ad they pay for each year). I’m talking about “Burroughs On Broadway” (the BOB Show). Last year there was absolutely nothing in our paper — and it has become the best show they produce (in my opinion, topping the ever-popular “Pop Show,” which always seems to make it in our newspaper).

There are four choirs involved — more than 200 performers! Each choir performs a large portion of a Broadway musical. Last year they performed “Titanic” — complete with wonderful costumes and a set of the ship the entire width of that large stage that sunk, thanks to an inventive volunteer designer and a huge hydraulic lift. It was fantastic! The year before, Peter Pan flew out over the orchestra section of the theater. Nothing is spared to recreate these fantastic Broadway experiences. The musical performers and the choreography, as always, are all top-notch.

I’m hoping there will be photos, plus an article in our Burbank Leader this year (and all the following years to come). The BOB Show runs Friday and Saturday, Oct.9 and 10, at 7 p.m., plus Sunday, Oct. 11 at 2 p.m.

George Strattan


The writer is a veteran actor of stage and TV who was involved in plays at the Burbank Little Theater during the 1960s. He co-owned the Golden Mall Playhouse in Burbank from 1973 to 1980 and has directed more than 75 shows at Glendale Centre Theatre.
