
Letter: Just say no to drug-rehab facility

Neighbors have voiced concerns about the planned use of the house at 1131 E. Tujunga Avenue as a sober-living facility.

Neighbors have voiced concerns about the planned use of the house at 1131 E. Tujunga Avenue as a sober-living facility.

(Raul Roa / Staff Photographer)
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I’m writing to you about the use of an East Tujunga Avenue property as a drug-rehab facility in our neighborhood. We are not opposed to helping individuals in need! However a drug-rehab facility in this neighborhood, which already has many issues. is ill-advised!

Most people who come to see the view drink alcohol, smoke pot, leave trash and have sex in their cars on Camino de Villas, Tujunga Avenue, Via Montana and Country Club Canyon Drive.

One major issue is the connecting street, Via Mountain, where there is a city access road. Not only is this a high-fire danger with people constantly going up the road to smoke pot and do drugs in the hills, there are dealers that park in their cars to sell drugs.

Taking all of this into consideration, we do not believe this would be good for our community (police, firefighters, residents) but most of all those who are trying to rehabilitate their lives — to be this close to a situation that is already a ticking time bomb!

As a concerned individual and as board president of Villa Verdugo Homeowners Assn., representing 49 homeowners, we feel this type of facility in the area would not be a good idea for residents and Burbank in general.

Mark Tarizzo

