
Letter: Pride in expanded collection at Burbank Library

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I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the editorial you wrote concerning what we are trying to do with our LGBTQ collections here at the Burbank Public Library and about how we are trying to reach out to that community. Kelly Corrigan’s article (“Library moves to grow section,” Oct.17) and your editorial sent out exactly the message I had hoped to send. There were so many people at the event who expressed their appreciation.

We feel very strongly about the library being open in its collection development and inclusive of everyone in this community. We think we have an important role for the community in reflecting and reinforcing its civic and cultural values, and I’m proud to be a part of that.

I’ve always been impressed by how many people there are in this community who care about meeting the needs of others in the community they share together, people who are always working to make this a better place to live — not least among them you and your staff at the Burbank Leader.

Hubert Kozak

Reference Librarian

Burbank Public Library
