
Letter: Proposed drug home smacks of big government

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The assault on the East Tujunga Avenue hillside neighborhood and the preemption of single-family zoning by the state of California and the federal government reeks of back door eminent domain on behalf of a for-profit business.

It is an insult to the city of Burbank, requires no business license or regulatory oversight, and poses health and safety risks to the neighboring residents. This business, according to its website and press releases, specializes in halfway houses for high-risk “patients.” It does not belong in single-family neighborhoods but rather in mixed-use or commercially zoned locations with the infrastructure in place to accommodate such uses.

It is the responsibility and duty of the elected representatives of the people of Burbank (the City Council) to oppose this invasion. Although their hands may be tied in this case by the state, they should at least vociferously object and speak up for “we the people.”

Thomas Wollnik

