
Letter: Sobering news for the neighborhood

Neighbors have voiced concerns about the planned use of the house at 1131 E. Tujunga Avenue as a sober-living facility.

Neighbors have voiced concerns about the planned use of the house at 1131 E. Tujunga Avenue as a sober-living facility.

(Raul Roa / Staff Photographer)
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We wanted to make clear our opposition to converting a property on the 1100 block of East Tujunga Avenue in Burbank into a sober-living facility.

We have lived right up the block from this house for the last 25 years. We live in a relatively quiet community and strongly object to a situation that could increase traffic, increase parking problems on a narrow, windy, hilly road where morning joggers compete for space with cars coming down a hill.

This poses safety concerns as does the potential for ex-addicts living in our neighborhood. Being very familiar with sobriety issues, there is no such thing as an ex-addict and the recidivism rate is extremely high, and we don’t want those issues down the block from us. We did not buy into a neighborhood ever envisioning the possibility for that type of facility.

In addition to safety concerns from traffic, new potential residents and their potentially dangerous friends and acquaintances, this could also negatively impact our home values.

We feel the city must put a stop to this type of corporate greed, in which an investment group buys properties in neighborhoods they have no interest into maximize their income by overfilling them (maybe) with “sober-living” residents.

We want to preserve the neighborhood feeling of our neighborhood.

Please let city officials know how we feel.

Steve Simon

