
Mailbag: Residents back their candidates ahead of Tuesday voting

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Kassakhian would be ideal choice

As Californians prepare to vote on June 7, the race for the 43rd Assembly District holds special importance for local communities. Among the eight candidates vying for the seat, Democrat Ardy Kassakhian stands out for his proven record of leadership as Glendale’s elected city clerk for the past 10 years.

Kassakhian’s strong record as public servant has been recognized by local, state and national leaders. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who has endorsed Kassakhian, praised him for making “a real difference in the effort to promote justice and protect voting rights.” Garcetti continued, “in the state Assembly he will fight for better schools, safe neighborhoods and keeping entertainment industry jobs right here.”

Kassakhian appeals to the diverse communities of the district with set priorities as building a growing economy and increasing jobs, improving the public safety of our neighborhoods and strengthening public schools.

Kassakhian’s commitment to a strong public school education contrasts with that of opponent Laura Friedman. While Kassakhian has been endorsed by the California Teachers Assn. and United Teachers Los Angeles, Friedman has attracted the support of the California Charter Schools Assn. (CCSA). The CCSA has funneled nearly $1.5 million toward Friedman’s campaign, most of which have been spent on negative campaigning against Kassakhian.

Funding from this controversial source has angered proponents of public school education and the Armenian-American community, the largest in the United States. The CCSA includes charter schools belonging to an Islamic movement headed by Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen, who controls a global network of charter schools, including more than 120 in the U.S. Some of these schools have been investigated by the FBI for possible financial improprieties.

If elected, Kassakhian will be a strong advocate for public education. His win will be a victory for the future of our children and for the entire district.

Harout Harry Semerdjian
East Hollywood


Voicing support for Kassakhian

Because of fraudulent attacks against City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian, I find it necessary to make this late plea to the voters in the 43rd Assembly District to cast their vote for Ardy on Tuesday, June 7. The TV ads for Councilwoman Laura Friedman (who claims they are not hers) are nothing short of disgusting.

I have been a supporter of Ardy Kassakhian since he first announced his candidacy to run for the 43rd Assembly seat currently held by Mike Gatto.

I have known Ardy since he was a candidate for city clerk, on the retirement of Doris Twedt. I first heard him at a campaign forum at the Oakmont Country Club and was thoroughly impressed by his demeanor and knowledge of the responsibilities of the city clerk. His performance as city clerk has been stellar, and he has done an excellent job in getting Glendale voters out for elections with his “Glendale Votes” campaign for every municipal election.

The statement in the TV ad for Laura Friedman that votes haven’t been counted is without merit. I know for a fact that former City Clerk Doris Twedt has been heavily involved in the vote-counting effort in support of Ardy’s responsibilities to make certain that every vote cast is counted and recorded.

Ardy is sincerely dedicated to education. He was particularly interested in the NASA space programs. As a retired engineer from JPL I provided him with the latest developments and accomplishments of NASA. Ardy also conducted career events for high school graduating seniors to make them aware of the opportunities provided to them if they continued their education. I was honored to attend one of these events and encourage the students to consider a career in aerospace.

Please vote Ardy on June 7.

Albert Hofmann


Blumenfeld makes time

I first met Andrew Blumenfeld via email, many years ago, while he was a student at Princeton. From that point on, before, during and after his time serving on the La Cañada Unified School District Governing Board, he was always reachable via email, and he always made time to answer my questions.

Both my children, currently La Cañada High students, have been the direct beneficiaries of Andrew’s work, from their math teachers to the option of nonstandard physical education classes. I have observed his powerful negotiation skills while on the school board, and I know he will apply the same demonstrated skills at the state level. Please join me in voting for Andrew Blumenfeld for the 43rd district of the state Assembly.

Belinda Randolph
La Cañada Flintridge
