
Editorial: Express bus line may be the ticket

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As is true across our country, the vast majority of area residents who commute to work do so in privately owned cars.

In hopes of coaxing more locals out from behind the wheel and into public transportation, Metropolitan Transit Authority this week launched a $2.1-million, 180-day trial of the much-anticipated “NoHo to Pasadena Express” bus line.

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The goal of the new bus line is to help commuters travel to and from their jobs in the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys faster than they can typically do so by car, while also reducing pollution and easing traffic congestion. The carpool lanes of the 134 Freeway facilitate the rapid travel.

Of key importance is the fact the route expands the possibilities for intermodal travel. It links the North Hollywood Red and Orange Line station to the Memorial Park and Del Mar Gold Line stations in Pasadena.

It also makes stops in Burbank and Glendale, where passengers will be able to transfer to the BurbankBus or Glendale Beeline.

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There is reason to believe this could be a successful experiment. Regular transit riders have clamored for this route, considered by many to be the “missing link” in the MTA system. However, in order to sustain the express line, some 1,750 people are going to need to take advantage of it daily.

We’d encourage all who have been considering abandoning their cars for a carefree bus commute to work to give it a try and take advantage of bus 501 as frequently as possible between now and when the trial period comes to an end in August.

We also urge civic leaders to do all in their power to spread the word so the service gains traction with the commuting public.
