
Mailbag: A particular van causes concern and BCC kicks off fundraising for Campership program

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Van of questionable taste takes up space

I am sure most of my fellow Burbank residents have noticed the topless-maids van parked in and around our fair city. Lately, I have been going to the medical center at the corner of Alameda Avenue and Buena Vista Street extensively. Well, the van is parked on the street on Buena Vista just as you turn the corner from Olive Avenue.

There is a bus stop, but enough space for three full-sized cars, maybe four smaller cars, but alas the majority of the parking space is being taken up by the van.

Parking in the structure on the site is around $6 and costly for senior citizens and others. Most of us look for parking on the street.

My question to the Burbank Police Department and City Council is why is this van allowed to park anywhere within the Burbank city limits?

Conchita Harris


BCC is raising funds to send kids to camp

Burbank Coordinating Council is having its next meeting on Monday, April 4, at Little White Chapel, 1711 N. Avon, from noon to 1:30 p.m. There will be announcements of upcoming events from many groups and our guest speaker will be Adam Emmer, the director of Transportation for Senior and Disabled. Cost is only $10 for lunch. Please RSVP to Doris at (818) 842-6361.

Our annual Campership program is planning to send 100 low-income Burbank children to camp this summer for either a week of day camp or a week of resident camp. It will take $20,000 to do this, so we need your help! You can buy our Campership Coffee (online at for only $15 (best coffee in town) or you can have us bring you Coins for Campers Bottles to collect funds at your business, home or church. Also, you can donate through a link on our website (, or send a check of any amount to P.O. Box 10126, Burbank CA 91510. You can call us at (818) 216-9377. Coins for Campers has a school contest too, so help your children win an ice cream party for the most money collected from now to May 10.

We also have a restaurant fundraiser at Pizza Rev, 175 E. Palm Ave, on April 26, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. If you mention Burbank Coordinating Council, they will donate 20% of your bill to our campership program. This is a delicious way to help.

Remember, camp changes lives and builds confidence, teaches values and cooperative learning and creates friendships that will last a lifetime. You can be the hero to make this wonderful program happen for these deserving children.

Thank you for always supporting our youth.

Janet Diel
Burbank Coordinating Council


A friend and fan of Andrew Blumenfeld

I first met Andrew Blumenfeld as my rival during the 2011 La Cañada school board campaign. I was immediately struck by his fluency in education policy and strategies as well as his obvious passion for student interests. It was evident that his words and actions were motivated by a consistent philosophy — what is best for students.

When we began serving as colleagues on the school board, his commitment to student achievement remained resolute. Together with our outstanding superintendent, and the rest of the board, he challenged the status quo and was often the leader in crafting innovative solutions that drew on the strengths of our community and the talents of our administration and staff. Between meetings, Andrew continued to outreach to all stakeholders and stayed on top of activities at the local, state and federal levels that affected education policies and practices.

Andrew’s decision to run for the state Assembly comes as no surprise and is a welcome next step for this extremely talented educator. As a former board president as well as an ongoing parent, I understand that the decisions made in our legislature affect our children’s educational experience profoundly. Both in session and behind the scenes, it is imperative that our representative support and empower school boards to promote student well being and achievement. I am confident that Andrew will employ his passion and leadership to build consensus among a disparate body with often competing interests.

I am grateful to my friend, Andrew, for his service to our community and for his legacy of a passionate commitment to student achievement. I am very proud of the progress we made together and am excited for his decision to bring his talents to Sacramento. He will work relentlessly every day to insure that education remains a state priority and that local districts have the tools and support we need to insure the success of our students. I encourage you to join me in my support of Andrew for the 43rd Assembly District.

Ellen Multari
La Cañada Flintridge
